Governance, constitution and law

The Fragile States Index (FSI) is an annual classification of 178 States based on the various pressures they face affecting their levels of vulnerability and relies on the analytical approach of the Conflict Assessment System tool. The Peace Fund's...
The upcoming legislative elections, scheduled to take place on 10th October 2021, are the most mysterious electoral experiment since the first elections in early 2005, for several reasons relating to its new law, which has never been applied in...
Since 1973, Freedom House has evaluated the state of political and civil rights worldwide, and its Global Freedoms Index is regularly used by policymakers, journalists, academics, activists, and many others. Freedom House classifies people's access to political rights and civil...
The Arab States are undergoing a fundamental phase of transformation not only at the political, political systems, and constitutional levels but also at the community and social levels, as well as at the institutional and legal levels. Wars and conflicts,...
The upcoming legislative elections, which are expected to take place on 10 October 2021, are the most difficult to expect because they will be held under a new electoral law that divides the provinces into multiple constituencies that have...
The government is working with determination to hold elections by the deadline of 10 October 2021, as a basic commitment, and the President of the Republic publicly supports this trend through multiple statements, and some political forces have already...
The establishment of protected areas is a global approach that supports nature conservation and is found in all countries of the world inland and marine areas. Conservation of nature is essential for the future of humanity by ensuring the...
The economic challenges facing Iraq have accumulated in recent years, leading to an economic crisis that has left Iraq in need of cash liquidity other than those provided by oil sales, especially in the face of unstable oil prices,...
By most measures, Iraq's experience in decentralization has been very disappointing. The delegation of authority to local constituencies that officially began in 2015 has not resulted in any significant improvements in the delivery of services at the local level,...
The purpose of this paper is to research regional development planning, within the legal framework of the management decentralization approach, which is rightly one of the primary and essential conditions for the implementation and success of such planning. Governments...

