Authors Posts by Editing & Research Department

Editing & Research Department


Analyzing Russia’s Involvement in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region’s Energy Sector

Bahrooz Jaafar holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from Cyprus International University in Nicosia, and he is also the founder and head of the Mediterranean Institute for Regional Studies. Key takeaways: Russia and Iraq have rich oil and gas resources and a common interest in fostering...

Oil and gas sector in Iraq: reality and solutions

Ali Abd al-Rahim al-Abudi - Al-Nahrain University / College of Political Science - Department of Economic Relations Summary: Although Iraq is considered a major source of crude energy, it imports oil derivatives from abroad with a financial value estimated at more than 7% of the total...

Post-election: (Notes that need pause)

Imad Salah Sheikh Daoud- Professor of Public Policy and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Political Science, Al-Nahrien University A prelude: Free and fair elections are a manifestation of the success of the democratic transition and the consolidation of its working mechanisms in political systems that seek successful...

Women In Emerging Parties: What Has Changed?

Hiyam Ali - Researcher at Al-Bayan Center - Department of Women’s Studies   The effects of long decades of wars and internal conflicts have been reflected in political and social life in Iraq. Twenty years after the democratic transition process, Iraq still falls within the hybrid...

The Blind Spot in The Next Government’s Priorities

Ali Adnan Muhammad – Researcher The democratic political experience in Iraq has gone through many challenges, and the political blockage is perhaps the most dangerous of all. The Iraqi state authorities have been severed overnight, its parliament is broken, its judiciary is under threat, and...


Harry H. Istepanian - Noam Raydan Reviewed by: Dr Luay Al-Khatteeb Executive Summary As Iraq grapples with increasing environmental challenges as a result of climate change, including soaring temperatures, unabating dust storms, and drought, the federal government of Iraq has expressed on various occasions its readiness to...

Should We Think Again About the Establishment of The Sovereign Fund in Iraq?

Ali Abdel Rahim Al-Aboudi - Researcher in political economy. Executive summary: At the present time, savings and investment funds account for the largest proportion of sovereign wealth funds, according to the classifications of funds registered at the International Institute for Sovereign Funds, followed by development funds...

The Pedagogical and Educational Reality in Iraq… Challenges and Confrontation Options

Dr. Firas Jassem Moussa – Researcher Introduction: The pedagogical and educational reality in public education in Iraq faces many challenges and problems in the various pedagogical and educational components - according to studies, research, and local and international reports -. Most notably: the lack of school...

Kurdistan Region Elections… Several Scenarios, Most Prominent of Which Are Postponement

Dr. Abdulaziz Alawi Al-Issawi - is an academic specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies. Introduction The signature of the President of the Kurdistan Region last February on the regional order to set the first of the coming November as the date for holding parliamentary elections...

Cloud Seeding – A Review

Dr. Ghassan Salem - Researcher Abstract Water is a necessity on Earth, and global water consumption is increasing significantly. There should be ways to keep the demand for water while also providing resources. This study presents a potentially promising technology that creates precipitation from clouds. This technique...

