Tags Middle East

Tag: Middle East

Transformations in German Middle East Policy: The View from Iraq

Abstract The challenges faced by Germany’s recent experience in Iraq reflect the complex and dynamic nature of engaging in conflict zones in the Middle East....

Iraq’s place in Canada’s Middle East Strategy

By Ali Ziad al Ali, researcher specialising in international and strategic affairs. At the beginning of 2016, Canada announced, in the words of its Prime...

Moscow’s Flexible Alliances in the Middle East

Russia has been seeking a more robust relationship with Iraq since the so-called Arab Spring started in 2011, eager to build on the remnants...

The British General Election 2017: Impacts on the Middle East

On the 18th April 2017, during a time of uncertainty in contemporary British history, the Prime Minister Theresa May announced that a snap election...

A Union in the Middle East and North Africa: Lessons From Europe

Cycles of oppressive government, poverty, nationalism, extremism, economic and political instability and ethno-sectarian violence in a geographic area of vague definition. These characteristics are...

The role of think tanks in the decision making process of foreign politics

The role and specificity of policymakers is undoubtedly an influential factor in international relations. Statesmen are first and foremost the policymakers thus actors on...

Putin focuses on foreign policy in the Middle East

Perhaps it was the difficult economic conditions at home, or because of the unpopular decisions that risks making President Putin the man of the...

