Domestic and foreign policy

Mustafa Al-Saray: researcher in Al bayan center- political studies department Iraqi-Syrian relations have not been stable throughout the historical period, involving geographical common factors, social ties, and mutual economic relations, security tensions and political volatility were the clearest factors, and...
Marwan Salem Al-Ali:  professor at the College of the Political Science/University of Mosul, specializing in strategic affairs. Introduction: The process of peace and its sustainability is a global humanitarian demand that humanity has sought since its existence. Despite the efforts made...
Abdulaziz Aliwi Al-Essaawi: An academic specializing in electoral affairs. Introduction: Talking about electoral laws other than a proportional representation with the Sainte-Laguë mechanism is no longer viable in the current stage after the Council of Representatives passed on March 20, 2023,...
Adnan Abdul Amir Mehdi Al-Zubaidi: Tikrit University College of Political Science Introduction: International relations throughout history have been characterized as either conflict, cooperation, or international competition, especially in strategic regions of the world, which have been of interest to geopolitical scholars...
Ahmed Khudair Hussain - Director Department of Social Studies, Al Bayan Center for Studies and Planning. Introduction Iraq has experienced multiple electoral systems in past years, characterized by some of the problems that accompanied each election cycle; In 2020, the Iraqi...
Mustafa Darraji - researcher Introduction Since 2003, successive Governments in Iraq have inherited many problems and challenges, including those inherited from the previous regime, including new problems that accompanied regime change. The transition phase should have included plans that address many...
Nabeel Jabbar al-Ali - researcher Disputes have returned in Iraq over the content of the electoral law regulating the process of holding parliamentary elections earlier. The demands first came from the protest arenas at the end of 2019, expressing part...
Nasrin Qahtan Abdul Razzaq-researcher and academic Introduction This research paper discussed the pros and cons of joining The Hague Convention on private international law in a comprehensive and concise manner, while presenting a set of proposed recommendations at a time when...
Diyari Saleh- researcher The new generation movement-founded by Kurdish businessman Shaswar Abdul Wahid - is one of the significant features of the transformation in the Iraqi and Kurdish political scene. this party has ensured its presence in Sulaimaniyah, trying to...
Imad Salah Sheikh Daoud - Professor of Public Policy/Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Court Political Issues/Al-Nahrin University. Has the need-to-gas season started? Introduction: Since the 1960s and earlier, we have spoken about many paths of cooperation between (Baghdad, on the one hand,...

