Domestic and foreign policy

Alaa al-Hamdani/Iraqi researcher The political conflict in Anbar Province is no longer hidden in the light of attempts to find a new political alternative from the secret to the open and the emergence of former political leaders in large mass...
Mohammed Munther Jalal - Iraqi University, Faculty of Law and Political Science. Submission Relations between Turkey and Iraq have long-standing roots. Perhaps today's participants are more than their differences. This puts the two countries before a new debate of the relationship...
Ali Faris Hameed - Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at Al-Nahrin University. Introduction Topics related to the search for scarcity continue to represent the most influential variable in the orientation of States s environment; lack of resources prompts the...
Mustafa Al-Saray - Political Studies Department, Al-Bayan Centre Party life in Iraq began with the formation of the Iraqi state in 1920, and the first start of the founding of the parties was the promulgation of the Political Parties Act...
Mustafa Darraji - researcher Introduction: Interest groups, lobbyists, lobbies, or organized collective action have been characteristic of the American political system since its inception, referred to by more than one thinker, including the French (de Tocqueville) and English (Harold Laski) thinker. Hence...
Dr. Salah Nouri Abdul Hassan - Iraqi University Summary: - The dispute between Baghdad and Erbil in the management of natural resources is due to the constitutional provisions concerning oil and gas management, which are among the most complex; because it...
Raed Ahmed, Ph.D. - Al-Iraqia University Introduction: It might be clear to most people that individuals leave their countries and seek a better life in other countries, which usually happens for many reasons. Some of them are related to security conditions—e.g.,...
Ali Al-Madan - Iraqi writer and researcher Summary: This article presents, based on historical methodology, an analytical monitoring of the thinking of Iraqi Shiite Islamists in political action and their definition of their political identity within the state, and their transition...
Abdullah Nahed Abbas-researcher Introduction  Perhaps the relations between the two neighboring countries Iraq and Jordan are among the most confused relations, as there are many commonalities between the two sides, mutual interests, and an urgent need for each other, and at...
Youssef Alaa: Researcher Introduction Post-war nations face several challenges, some of which are tied to the value questions that led them to that war and its causes, however, confronting the challenge of war returnees with their psychosocial circumstances stands out as...

