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    Turkey and Iraq: a vision towards the Problems of integrated water management

    READ IN: عربي

    Mohammed Munther Jalal – Iraqi University, Faculty of Law and Political Science.


    Relations between Turkey and Iraq have long-standing roots. Perhaps today’s participants are more than their differences. This puts the two countries before a new debate of the relationship in which everyone tries to be profitable and achieve greater interest based on the realism of the region’s environment and its assumptions.

    Undoubtedly, dealing with any issue amid these relations will lead to the immorality of what Turkey wants from Iraq and what Iraq represents to Turkey. (Kurds, waters, terrorism, Syrian crisis) Each has a security dimension that cannot be ignored, perhaps the basis of this working paper, Because today’s water issue carries future sizes that are initially linked to the power hypothesis that Turkey created with its military presence. And the establishment of more than one military base in northern Iraq under various pretexts development and the development of a system of rationalization and diversification of sources on the one hand and anticipation of emergencies on the other.

    On this basis, the research will be divided into three parts:

    What do we mean by integrated water management?

    Integrated management in the Tigris and Euphrates basins.

    Obstacles to integrated water resources management in Iraq.

    I. Integrated water resources management.

    IWRM is a process that promotes coordinated development and management of water, land, and related resources; to maximize economic and social well-being somewhat without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.

    Integrated water resources management (IWRM) is also a multisectoral policy approach designed to replace the traditional sectoral and fragmented system to water resources, which has led to poor services and unsustainable use of resources. Integrated water resources management is based on the understanding that water resources are an integral part of the ecosystem, a natural resource, and a social and economic commodity.

    The basic idea of integrated water resources management stems from the fact that the many different uses of limited water resources are interrelated. The high demand for irrigation and contaminated drainage flow from agriculture, for example, means less fresh water for drinking or industrial use, and the contaminated state of municipal and industrial sewage for rivers; will necessarily threaten ecosystems if water is to be left in the river to protect fisheries and ecosystems (environmental flows), as little can be diverted to crop cultivation, there are many other examples of the fundamental theme that the unregulated use of scarce water resources is inherently wasteful and unsustainable.

    Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is defined by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) Technical Committee as “a process that promotes the development and coordinated management of water, land, and related resources, to maximize economic and social outcomes and achieve wellbeing in the way without prejudice to the sustainability of vital ecosystems. “