Tags Crime

Tag: Crime

Public funds in Iraqi law

Habib Al Quraishi - Lawyer Introduction: The crime of embezzlement of public funds from crimes that are mostly committed on public funds, primarily an assault on...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Organized Crime Index 2021

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan The 2021 Organized Crime Index draws on analysis and input from 120 experts from across the continents and a comprehensive literature...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Social Capital Index 2020

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan The Social Capital of a nation is the sum of social stability and the well-being (perceived or real) of the entire...

Hidden costs of cybercrime

Cybercrime seems unstoppable. Thousands of cybercrimes occur every year, costing from a few hundred dollars to millions. Companies and agencies. The risks of cybercrime...

Crime in Iraq: Reading in the Global Crime Index 2021

The Global Crime Index Annual Report 2021, covering the first half of 2021, published by the Encyclopedia of the World Database "Numbeo", one of...

Cybersecurity in Iraq Reading in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2020

Cyberspace exerts its influence in various spheres of life, including in the area of security. Cyberspace, through its various tools, contributes to the redrawing...

Challenges to counter drugs in Iraq Hard Solutions

More than 194 million people around the world are addicted to drugs, andabout 40 million people are addicted to (khat), mostly in Yemen, Somalia,...

