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    Economics and development

    The Iraqi Water Resources Crisis and the Strategic Options Presented

    Dr. Marwan Salem Al-Ali - University Professor at the College of Political Science, University of Mosul. Introduction Water is the pillar of life, livelihood, and the key to sustainable development, as it is essential for agriculture that feeds on humans, as the enjoyment of water is a basic human right and...

    Uncontrolled Government spending and its reflection on the monetary mass and monetary inflation in the Iraqi economy

    Riyam Amer Al-Fahdawi – College of Management and Economics – Anbar University Conclusion:  - Fiscal policy resorting to the central bank to finance its spending will generate a real increase in the amount of money in circulation, which is an important aspect of the monetary base, leading to inflation of the...

    The agricultural reality in Iraq after 2003 challenges and solutions

    Adnan Abdul-Amir Al-Zubaidi - Tikrit University, College of Political Science Induction Archaeologists confirm that the first habitat for agriculture was in Iraq, and in its northern regions in the Neolithic period, within the limits of (12 thousand years BC), according to the Zorzi caves in Sulaymaniyah, and the village of Jarmo,...

    Basra oil Between the magnitude reserves and the waste of resources

    Dr.Yahya Hamoud Hassan- university of Basra-college of management and economics Executive Summary: The exportability of Basra oil features international correlations related to the foreign market, it requires the Iraqi marketing company to increase the profit of exporting Iraqi crude oil in the international oil markets, by achieving some kind...

    The Port Sector in Iraq Between Reality and Challenges

    Dr. Adnan Farhan Al-Jourani, Department of Economics/ College of Administration and Economics, University of Basra. Executive Summary: Improving the efficiency of Iraqi ports reduces trade costs, increases added value, creates new business, and attracts certain economic sectors. It also helps to support and assure economic and political independence and lowers...

    Governance Of Border Crossings And Its Reflection On The Volume Of Customs Revenues (Shalamcheh Border Crossing As A Model)

    Rowaida Hussein Hassan - Economic Researcher. Executive summary: The 5% Iraq Reconstruction Tax was imposed, which contributed to the dumping of goods destined for Iraq, including consumer goods. The revenues of the Shalamcheh border crossing rise to 27 trillion Iraqi dinars in 2019, and the increase indicator is likely to...

    The Global Inflation Crisis Of 2022 and Its Impact on The Iraqi Economy

    Dr. Wejdan Faleh Hassan - University of Maysan. Summary: The financial policies that accompanied the response to the Corona epidemic, including debt relief policies, and the indebtedness of governments, whether from within or abroad, have contributed to increasing financial pressures on the governments of countries in the world. The consequences...

    Financial Markets in Light of Financial Liberalization Policies and Their Impact on Iraq

    Dr. Abdul Razzaq Ibrahim Shabib - Al-Maarif University College - Department of Banking and Financial Sciences. Abstract: The exchange rate policy in Iraq faces external variables; It is caused by the rise in the prices of foodstuffs and other commodities globally, which leads to an inflation of imported goods. It...

    Comprehensive Health Insurance and Its Impact on The Economic Reality in Iraq

    Ali Abdul-Kadhim Da’adoush / Ministry of Education - Baghdad Directorate of Education, Rusafa III Executive Summary: That the next government put primary responsibility for implementing the Health Insurance Law No. 22 of 2020, and that it develops a gradual program for the implementation of this law, and the inclusion of...

    The Dangers of Drought and The Decay of The Culture of The Marsh Dwellers… Solutions and Predictions

    Muhammad Baqir Nasser – Researcher Executive summary: The migration of the people of the marshes is an inevitable result of water scarcity, which is a major source for the sustainability of livestock, as well as the sustainability of other natural resources from which the individual subsists daily. Water in the...