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    Gulf-Russian summit goals, contexts, and developments

    READ IN: عربي

    Omar Samir – Egyptian researcher/student at Istanbul University’s Ph.D. program


    The Gulf-Russian summit held in Moscow on July 10, 2023, comes within the context of numerous Gulf international summits and the framework of international competition to support the Gulf oil states in the context of the ongoing conflict between East and West, manifested in the Russian-Ukrainian war, whose developments are similar to world wars.

    It also comes within the framework of the Gulf leadership of the Arab region in light of the declining roles of its traditional forces in Iraq, Egypt, and Syria, and in light of the Gulf Gulf competition to lead the region, sometimes reaching the point of conflict between the vision of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and UAE ruler Mohammed bin Zayed and their international and regional alliances to consolidate their vision of the region and the world.

    This paper attempts to analyze the contexts in which the Russian-Gulf summit took place, the developments on which it might build and similar summits, whether it provides an opportunity for compromise and balance in the international relations of the region, whether it is referred by a weighty party to the conflict, or whether it has turned it into an international stadium again after the two-decade war on terror on the territory of the region has diminished? Through the following points:

    Russian Gulf Summit What strategic objectives?

    This summit is the sixth edition of the strategic dialogue between Russia and the GCC countries which reconvened annually after a hiatus of about five years, Parallel to great tension in relations between the Gulf and Iran, the timing of this version of the dialogue presents a set of connotations that are consistent with what some studies describe as a Gulf endeavor since the Corona pandemic, It was developed after the Russo-Ukrainian War by diversifying the international partnerships of the GCC states.

    For Russia, the resumption of such summits gives a different picture of what the West is trying to impose on it and on China of sanctions and international isolation over the Russian-Ukrainian war that broke out in February 2022 and is still raging, and European sanctions have reached more than 11 rounds military and economic capabilities.

    Not surprisingly, Russia organized the fifth round of the Gulf-Russian strategic dialogue. in June 2022, just four months after the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine and that gives the message that the world has not stood at the boundaries of Western decision, It has broad options in different regions of the world to promote cooperation and partnerships The Gulf oil States have become beneficiaries of the war in a free passenger manner, where they have achieved large surpluses and savings from oil sales at double prices than the Corona crisis and its aftermath. U.S. crude oil futures prices on April 20, 2020, turned negative for the first time in history, ending the session at minus $37.63 a barrel as dealers sold heavily. This was described by the Wall Street Journal as “chaotic evidence of the inability to stockpile the total oil production that the recession-stricken global economy was supposed to use.”

    Russia and the United States are aware of the role that some countries in the region play in regional crises, such as the UAE-Saudi role in Yemen, Libya, and Sudan, as well as the Omani, Kuwaiti, and Qatari role in achieving a balance in relations with Iran and reducing polarization.