Khaled Hashem – researcher

Since US President Joe Biden came to power at the White House on 20/1/2021, the case for defining his foreign policy principle has not been interrupted. Some viewed his policy as an extension of that of former President Barack Obama where Biden was part of his staff, and that his policies are merely an extension of the liberal current that believes in international cooperation, multilateral efforts, and his lack of preference for the use of military force in dealing with problems. Others viewed their foreign policy as an example of realism and pragmatism, which viewed the world as it is and not as it should be, and sought to improve it progressively, taking into account international realities on the ground. And a third team that belongs to its opponents sees Biden’s policy as lacking in vision and leadership and tinged with caution and indecision.
Every American president has a special principle of foreign policy, President James Monroe was the first to begin this trend in 1823, followed by many others – Truman, Eisenhower, Truman, etc. American presidents usually do not disclose as a general rule their governing doctrines and principles in foreign policy but are inferred through consistent actions, policies, and writings over time. Therefore, the actions of a few American presidents have consistently been consistent with a clear foreign policy doctrine, and even those with clear foreign policy doctrines have not always been able to uniformly assert that implementation corresponds to their concepts and doctrines.
On the other hand, as far as the Middle East and Joe Biden’s doctrine are concerned, Biden’s doctrine means one thing on the world stage and something else in the Middle East. The Biden principle in the Middle East is not so much reinventing the US approach in the region as reinforcing its traditional focus on security issues, military commitments, and arms sales, while largely ignoring seemingly intractable problems such as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel’s bias, Iran’s nuclear file and the region’s destabilizing civil wars in Syria, Libya, and elsewhere.
In light of that, the president’s question for the study is: Is there a single doctrine of US President Joe Biden at the foreign policy level?, and how is it applied in the Middle East?
It is through this question that several sub-questions emerge:
1. Are there factors holding back the formulation of a single integrated, coherent, and clear doctrine of US President Biden at the foreign policy level?
2. If factors are preventing the formulation of a single doctrine of US President Biden at the foreign policy level. How can we predict future actions and external decision-making for him?
3. What is Joe Biden’s doctrine in the Middle East? What scenarios could hinder their application?
First: the factors that prevent the formulation of one coherent doctrine of Joe Biden in foreign policy (is there a doctrine that governs President Joe Biden).
In principle, there is a doctrine that should govern President Joe Biden’s actions. called the “Biden doctrine” and according to that doctrine, the revival of democracy is sought as a model of good governance capable of defending freedom, Through the use of American leadership in the struggle between democracy and authoritarianism – a struggle that is essentially fought along intellectual lines. but sometimes in actual battlefields, as in Ukraine. Adding to endorsing opportunities and upholding universal human rights that are at the heart of American foreign policy, respecting the rule of law, treating everyone with dignity, in Biden’s own words, and working with allies as a hallmark of American foreign policy as well.