Unemployment is an economic, social, psychological, political, and security problem, and unemployment has an impact on mental and physical health, as a large proportion of the unemployed (They lack self-esteem, feeling of failure, feeling less than others, studies have shown that some of them are dominated by boredom, and their mental and physical vigilance is low) However, the definition of unemployment by the International Labor Organization (ILO) is “every person who is capable, willing, looking for and accepting employment at the prevailing wage level provided that he finds such work, but to no avail”; Therefore, the unemployed are three segments:

  • Those who didn’t do paid work at least one hour in a week were determined by the field study.
  • Those who worked before and are seriously looking for new jobs.
  • Young people of working age and looking for a job.

Unemployment is also defined as the cessation of employment with the ability to work; Because of reasons beyond their control.