The reduction of environmental pollution and climate change has been an issue of increasing international concern since the rise in the level of threat and hazards to life and human future on the planet, which has been exacerbated by the rapid and dramatic expansion of the ozone hole in the atmosphere from the beginning of the European Industrial Revolution to the present day, owing to increasing levels of pollution in the Earth’s various topography caused by toxic gases from industrial plants and pollutants.

Many international efforts have therefore focused on this problem, numerous conferences have been held and regional and international agreements have been concluded, both in the initiatives of States Members of the United Nations and between States and regional and international organizations, to reduce the deterioration of this problem. During the last quarter of the twentieth century, those States and organizations began to conclude and sign several conventions and treaties committing the Member States to implement new public policies, in which they commit themselves to change old industrial systems that are polluting the environment. and the development of sustainable industrial alternatives, leading up to the last Paris Convention, called the Paris Climate Convention in 2015, in which signatories to the Convention pledged to reduce toxic emissions of gases associated with industrial processes, to develop modern industrial systems that rely on clean energy, to achieve recovery in the ozone hole by reducing the temperature by 2 ° C to 2030 as a goal to be reached by those States.

Agriculture, on the other hand, is among the biggest drivers of greenhouse gases, but it is also one of the greatest climate allies. The agricultural sector can play a major role in mitigating global warming by reducing emissions, avoiding further carbon loss in forests and soils, and maintaining soil health and forest health also helps to combat climate change, as both act as carbon-isolating “basins”. Finally, reducing food loss and waste and advocating for better food consumption patterns is another important effort in improving agricultural patterns and minimizing the damage that may result from them.