The use of technology in the context of benefiting from the Internet in the world’s administrative systems is expanding very rapidly, and health has been one of the areas in which States use such technologies; It’s called e-health. Through reliance on these techniques, efforts are being made to provide medical services to citizens in a more accurate, faster, and easier way to monitor and manage.

In recent years and simultaneously, Turkey has developed widely in the areas of Government e-services and medical services, which have been integrated for several years and are fully managed and controlled by the Internet. This portal, managed in the form of a website and its application, is called the E-Pulse” E-Nabiz” application.

In this summary, we seek to study the nature of the site, its activities, and its working system, to monitor and demonstrate the opportunities and challenges facing the portal, and how Iraq can benefit from the experience of the portal system to create a good health portal, which is expressed in the E-Sihha portal.