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    The Historical Roots of Diplomacy

    Diplomacy is defined as the art of reaching international goals and interests by peaceful means. This definition refers to the axioms of the logical thought of the term, but to reach a full understanding of what is called diplomacy, we have to dwell a bit on the pages of history that it went through to apply the term.

             The term “diplomacy” has gone through interesting historical stages, it was used for the first time in the English language nearly 370 years ago. The term also appeared in the Middle Ages in Europe, bearing the meaning of the Governor’s “document.” The parchments were folded in the form of envelopes and were called “Diplou”, which in Greek means the thing with double folded. One of the first meanings of this term is that a diplomat is a person who enjoys the trust of his country and is sent abroad to lie in the interest of his mother country.

             The foreign relations scholar Richard Frelick recalls that in European times witches could be treated as the earliest diplomats of history, as they were drawn to alien tribes to negotiate and for their magical potential, and everyone had to listen to them and be respected for fear of their ruthlessness in using magic.

             Historians of Europe had agreed that the concept of diplomacy had emerged at the beginning of the contemporary era; This is a terrible mistake to go beyond the historical seasons that this phenomenon has experienced, and in fact one of the oldest behavioral phenomena that man has ever experienced. When it comes to putting diplomacy in the right context, we must see, above all, that human nature has forced humans to make logical plans to deal peacefully with foreign peoples or with outsiders.
