Imad Salah Sheikh Daoud – Professor of Public Policy/Faculty of Political Science – Al-Nahrin University

On the date of 14/5/2023, the Turkish elections were held simultaneously with a public participation rate approaching (89%), to occupy the seats of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (the legislature), in which the ruling Coalition of the Public won (312) seats, including (266) for the Justice and Development Party (AKP) versus (213) for the opposition Alliance of the Nation after a full count.
Likewise, to choose the President of the Republic who holds (executive power), presidential candidate Recep Tayyip Erdogan received (49.51%), compared to (44.88%) for presidential candidate Kligdaroglu.
During the campaign leading up to Election Silence Day, statements and promises to the Turkish people varied. Erdogan’s campaign focused on development, the centenary of the Turkish state, gas extraction for the first time, adherence to moral principles, Islam, and Turkish unity, as well as the importance of humanitarian relief during disasters and wars. The Klicdaroglu campaign focused on populist rhetoric of marketing the campaign through disaster victim surgeries, anti-refugees and seeking their expulsion outside Turkish territory, and impartiality towards war. (Russian-Ukrainian), restoring influence to NATO (in other words, American influence in Turkey) in addition to the fiery speeches that contributed to his loss of a golden opportunity for the CHP to return to the forefront of the Turkish political landscape and to re-rule the country.
Six-Party Table Alliance/Disagreements and Fragility
During January 2023, the Six-Party Alliance announced its plan to run Turkey if it wins the 2023 elections, which dealt with political, economic, judicial, and foreign policy levels. These are general promises as described by electoral constituencies except for one point, which speaks of the transition of the prevailing presidential political system to the formerly established parliamentary system in the country, which has been the focus of attention of the parties to the coalition of different ideologies, between Ataturk secularism and nationalism. (The conservative right-wing party that shares Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s (Justice and Development) party has its main intellectual lines), and the six parties are:
Good Party/Led by Miral Akshinar/( MHP defector)
The Happiness Party/led by Tamil Karamullahoglu/( Islamic orientation).
Future Party/led by Ahmet Davutoglu/( Islamist dissident approach to justice and development).
Party for Democracy and Progress (DEVA )/led by Ali Babacan/( Islamist dissident approach to justice and development).
Democratic Party/led by Gul Tekin Oysal.
In addition to declaring the HDP pro-Kurdish causes, it implicitly supported the opposition coalition candidate before President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Despite the enthusiasm that overwhelmed the statements for the establishment of the Alliance, its first meeting in February 2022 resulted in disagreements among the members, which limited its outputs to a broad title and postponed the drafting of the full text of the agreement reached by the participants 28 of the same month, making it unlikely that the “Six-Party Table” talks would become a factual alliance, The question of agreeing on a joint candidate for the six tables to face Erdogan in the 2023 presidential election has also been the subject of controversy most of the time The opposition coalition resolved the position on 23 August 2022 when it announced in a statement that they would continue to work jointly before, during and after the elections. and stressing that their “common candidate” would be the 13 President of Turkey but without disclosing the name of the candidate.