Adnan Sobeih Thamer/Researcher specializing in speech anthropology

The protest movements in Iraq face the fate of their non-repetition, on both levels: the first is their tools, and the other is their generation. The protests in Iraq are not similar to their different times. They are always associated with different slogans and symbols, and even their actors change from one protest to another.

The protest (February 25, 2011) raised the slogan “Reform of the regime,” supported by cultural forces in control of the cultural landscape. The Tishreen protest surpassed those slogans as a source of the slogan “Bring down the regime” with popular bases that invest passion as an asset to defend their protest.

Not only were high expectations the reason for the end of a whole generation, but the generation in Iraq is making a single movement that seeks change, and what happens without that is complementary to a vision created once, so what a generation of protests created (2011), is the basis for the demanding and party-backed demonstrations that took place in the year (2015) However, it does not resemble him in terms of power, number, and influence, and the generation (2011) waited eight years; to declare a different new generation using different tools, lived in changing circumstances, with goals and aspirations unparalleled by the previous generation that produced a different movement benefiting from the previous one, to be more aggressively graduated in protest (2019), the (2011) generation waited eight years (2003-2011) to declare himself as a different generation with a vision in Iraq’s political and social system.

Sociological approaches vary in dealing with social movements, bearing different models in application to societies, and when viewing interactive approaches in the study of social movements that have been identified as collective projects, to establish a new life order. Structural theories are based on the axiom of a separate individual who tends to be free. And at the same time inclined to participate in new types of social groups, like movements in mass societies that find an easy incubating environment, this theory is based on the fact that social movements emerge when there is a mismatch between stated values and their actual practices, in a way that disrupts the functioning of the various institutions and elements that threaten the survival of the system expectations and needs. Based on the foregoing, it can be said that social mobility in Iraq approaches the theoretical orientations of structuralism that cause mobility frustrations resulting from the imbalance between expectations and social action. The protests (25 February 2011) in Iraq were the first to protest the new political era formed after (2003), which was a declaration of separation between two generations, the first safe and defended the political system, the second safe, defended, anticipated, and then frustrated, out of harmony with the political act, they protested and announced their separation from the first generation.