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    The Chinese role in the political systems of countries Africa :west of the desert

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     Ali Hussein al- Zubaidi-researcher

    China has been seeking to strengthen its relationship with sub-desert African countries through a realistic policy to achieve its ambition to dominate and establish a peaceful world order that encourages economic growth and stability, since it began in the mid-fifties, and so far in an upward manner; consistent with its aspirations in this regard. It is estimated that China has become the third trading partner of Africa, and influential in its political system after the United States and France, what this paper needs to highlight those relations within two axes, the first axis will focus on the Chinese role in the cold era, while the other will focus on the tools of Chinese policy towards West Africa after the Cold War:

    First: China’s role in the Cold War era

    The Bandung Conference in 1955 is a real beginning for China to realize the importance of African countries and Third World countries, and Chinese interest in Africa at that stage can be traced back to the belief that the system of third world countries and Africa is the most capable of achieving China’s political and ideological goals, and seeking to win international support and support for:

    China’s support for the African revolutionary struggle to destroy the structure of colonial domination and get rid of the remnants of colonial influence.

    Recognition of newly independent states, and support for national liberation movements.

    The Chinese policy was aimed -by that- To counter the Soviet influence following the ideological dispute that erupted between Moscow and Beijing in the sixties over the interpretation of the Marxist-Leninist theory, and China accused the former Soviet Union of deviating from this theory, especially with regard to the position on the national liberation and revolutionary movements in African countries and Third World countries, and for this reason, some scholars go to count Chinese policy in Africa as a direct reflection of the ideological conflict between the two countries, and in light of this, China’s anti-Soviet and countering any Soviet move in Africa, which prompted China to support any African movement; to change the existing regimes as long as Moscow does not support them regardless of the premise Intellectual and political affiliation to a particular country or movement. The most important goals of Chinese communication with Africa can be summarized as:

    From January 1970 to December 1972, China established diplomatic relations with (11) additional African countries, restored relations with four more countries, and by the end of 1975 recognized(47) African countries out of (48) countries of the people’s Republic of China.

    China has sought to create a new multipolar international order that can be explored through the forum on China-Africa cooperation, analyzing the Addis Ababa document, which presented a practical plan for relations with the continent and concluded the resolution: “China supports Africa’s position on Multilateralism in the international community and working with it to maintain a multi – civilized world pursuing different development patterns,” while China continued to provide assistance in the period (1970-1977), as the value of that assistance amounted to about (1.9) billion US dollars, which benefited (29) countries, including West African countries, and Chinese assistance programs to Africa also included the construction of hospitals, roads, government buildings and factories, and sports stadiums.

    There was a transformation in the period (1969 – 1982)- in Sino-African relations, as it became clear after the Chinese Premier’s visit to Africa in 1982 that China adopts the approach of diplomacy in the interest of the economy instead of the previous approach, which is economics in the service of diplomacy, which means that China is keen to achieve the common interest of the Sino-African sides under the slogan of achieving development together. this new stage was characterized by the diversity and multiplicity of areas of Sino-African cooperation; including the fields of economy, health, cultural and educational exchange and exchange of military experiences. Despite the geographical obstacle, however, China is striving to join the international community, play an influential role in it based on its real size, and spread the ideological trend adopted by the people’s Republic of China in the largest number of countries in the world within the framework of the global policy pursued by the Chinese leadership at that time.

    Proceeding from the basic pillars of the Chinese foreign policy ideology, China has promised that third-world countries and Africa are the only a major forces in .international relations, and China can use them to its advantage in the framework of its conflict with the West