This survey highlights the desire of Iraqi citizens and the nature of their interactions with Covid-19 vaccines while demonstrating the importance of this vaccine in conjunction with a scientific debate about symptoms associated with the vaccines, reported by Western world citizens who got vaccinated.

The survey aims to highlight the willingness and desire of Iraqi citizens to obtain the COVID- 19 vaccine, the public’s view about the contributions of these vaccines to the return of normal life, and the reasons to avoid vaccination.

Systematic framing:

This online questionnaire was designed for multiple segments of Iraqi society, it consisted of 10 questions, addressed to 2055 individuals, they were accessed through an online form on a Facebook page, between 10/Apr/2021 to 13/Apr/2021, it was funded to engage random sample from the Facebook algorithm. The page had zero followers. The online form (survey) was funded to cover all 18 Iraqi governorates with a population of over 40 million. Social media users were the sample units for the survey; Iraqis who can use the Internet and who have the minimum education to answer the online survey were the participants in this study. It is difficult to disseminate the results of this survey except within the limits of general orientation and overall impressions.