Zeina Malik AraibiResearcher


In recent decades, technology has become one of the most important tools for the development and advancement of nations. The centrality of this role is due not only to the fact that technology is no longer important for itself, but also to its role in multiplying the size and impact of other strengths, all of which have led States to compete for the best figures in scientific achievements and to allocate substantial amounts of their budgets for R&D spending; Because it is the main catalyst for innovation and technological development in various fields, an advanced place in the knowledge and technology race would give reassurance of the international role and standing of States in the international system, enable them to impose their competitive conditions on others and even control their future paths of strength by force or satisfaction.

Technology has become critical to the process of change at the international level, as we have mentioned its entry as a force factor and a preference criterion for other strengths, and it contributes – With this description – a direct and effective contribution to changing the nature of international actors and finally changing the rules and image of control within the international system based on technological data used in the structure of the elements of power of States in addition, the United States of America and China have clearly recognized these facts, The first is the unique pole, the most powerful in the world, especially at the technological level, and China is a powerful pole, it seeks to achieve what might be called polar displacement, something the American pole itself expects as it enters the third decade of the current century, It is for this reason that competition between the parties is intensifying, in a manner that spares no effort, money or commercial, political and media confrontation, Under this inevitable competition, the United States of America is now spending more of its resources on the technology sector. strategy, particularly in the area of high-tech technology in the face of the industrial strategy launched by China and known as the strategy (Made in China 2025), which enabled China to develop its high-tech capabilities, Making it advanced in the military, economic, and outer space fields, So the United States seeks to maintain its superiority in outer space in exchange for the rise of China and Russia and enable them to create space forces that could perform military missions in space. and then pushed the United States of America in return to establish the United States Space Forces, This will change the balance of power at the level of the international system, elevate the level of conflict between international Powers to new dimensions beyond the borders of land, sea, and air into vast space and employ it in the service of the struggle of adults for global power.

The rapid rise of China has enabled it to increase patent production at an annual level to four times that of the United States of America to quickly catch up with American technological development. So it’s the most competitive country with the United States, which threatens the latter’s status as a leader in technological development at the international system level. which prompted the United States to pursue a trade war strategy in parallel with a containment strategy.

The increasing intensity of the conflict between the parties, and the potential for escalating confrontation to rise to the frontiers of armed confrontation is supported by political and military reports and expert studies by specialists in this regard, as well as the great risks of such a possibility, and the difficulty of even thinking about it because of its catastrophic repercussions not only on both sides of the competition, But in any case the possibility remains, even if it is not in the form of an all-out war between the parties, Rather, in the form of acting wars, or even limited wars aimed at strengthening the position and position against the opponent from time to time, If such a possibility is realized, the image of the international system and its command and control centers will also change depending on the output that such possibilities will produce. Is technology playing such a role in changing the balance of power between China and the United States of America?