Seyyed Ahmed Al-Safi

Dear brothers and sisters,

At the time we emphasize that all political, military, and security leaders should be more alert to the things that are happening in the country, we would like to clarify some important points which some of them need actual and quick measures, and they are 3 subjects

First Matter:

The lead must always be taken by the military forces, our brothers the volunteers, and the ardent tribesmen, because in the past days and the days before, it was clear in some areas that the efforts were focused on the defense rather than the offense, and this enables the enemy from taking the lead, which is a negative factor in managing the battle. So, a wise and precise plan and map must be drawn by professional, national, and loyal personnel for solving the security and military issues to begin cleansing all the Iraqi lands from the terrorists. It is necessary to take advantage of the military minds that have enough experience in this field. They are distinct and they are there to offer their services, thus, the relevant authorities should recruit them, because this is necessary to win this battle that the Iraqi people is waging against the terrorists of Daesh.

Second Matter

What happened in some parts of Iraq during the last few days was not a heavy fight, because in the past, there has been what was fiercer and the victory was still on the army and the volunteers’ side. But, what happened recently was done by the influence of rumors that portrayed the situation larger than its real size, and that affected the morale of some fighters. Psychological warfare is one of the weapons of the battle. It must be dealt with professionally, and all the required mobilization must be prepared for it. Some military leaders, unfortunately, contribute in the breakdown of those who are with them in the battle. It could either be because of their disbelief in it, or because of the lack of national spirit, or because of their simple way of thinking that makes them believe the rumor and that makes their being on top of a large group a danger to the group. We emphasize on the necessity to sort individuals through the incidents, and to replace the inefficient, the unprofessional, and those who do not have the required courage, with other tough men that do not fear anyone/anything in the sake of Allah. The precious bloods that are being shed must increase the determination and the strength.

The rumor is a lethal weapon that must be dealt with carefully. One of the reasons behind believing rumors might be the absence of the military leaders in the battle fields, because if they were there, they would not be fooled by these cowardly tricks. Therefore, we have to emphasize on this subject, the military leaders have to be in the battle fields. The movement of the enemy is no longer a difficult thing to determine through the reliable intelligence services away from the non-realistic rumors.

Third Matter

Our brothers the volunteers who are still in the battle fields and have sacrificed precious bloods are defending the whole of Iraq because when a specific province or area is in danger that does not mean that only the residents of that area are affected, but the danger is threatening the whole country. And during the last few months they have proven that they are fighting strongly to expel the terrorists from all of our country, may God enable them to achieve that.

So, the stands of our brothers the politicians toward those who are defending the country must be unified. More than that, they have to help them with everything possible, because those who sacrifice their blood for the sake of their country, people, and sanctities deserve to be supported morally and materially, as the history is being written with letters of light on their foreheads, because they have left their families, children, and homes and complied with their national, ethical, and religious duty in order to cleanse the country despite the lack of financing and weapons they are in now. Those deserve a proper honoring from all the politicians, and the politicians have to be aware that the country is in real danger and those brothers have shed their bloods, so they are not in a picnic or a road trip, and the politician who questions that needs to think again. The politicians have to unite under a clear speech and a unified vision in preserving the security, sovereignty, and the unity of Iraq, and their different views must not prevent them from realizing the real dangers facing the country.

May God help all to serve the country. May god bless us with a safe country and with leaders who can preserve the sanctity of this country.